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Faculty Bargaining Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 3

As reported in last week’s Bargaining Bulletin, in late May, when the Employer was not following through on its stated intention to schedule bargaining meetings, UWOFA proposed 29 half days for the parties to meet to negotiate in the period from June 13 to July 15. The Employer is only now responding to the UWOFA negotiating team’s proposal.

The Employer proposes 3 half days over the next month, and all on the last two days before the summer break. They have also added an additional week to the one-month pause in bargaining that had been agreed upon, with only 5 half days in their proposal for the period from August 23 to September 2. This stands in stark contrast to the 9 productive meetings the parties had in the last round of faculty collective bargaining from June 6 to July 16, 2018, bargaining which nonetheless took until November to reach an agreement. At this rate it appears we may still be in negotiations in 2023.

The Process

During negotiations, UWOFA and the Employer’s negotiating teams will hold a series of meetings to exchange proposals and respond to each other’s positions. Each side also meets separately throughout the process to discuss and redraft their respective proposals. This can be a time-consuming process. While it plays out, both sides generally do not comment publicly in much detail on the specific positions on the table. UWOFA’s negotiating team can usually only give us the broad strokes of what is happening and inform members of crucial matters that are affecting the progress of negotiations.

A vote of the faculty bargaining unit must be held before a new collective agreement can be ratified. This vote would only be called once the negotiating team has received an offer it wants to recommend to the membership, and it has had the opportunity to present that offer.

UWOFA bargaining 2022, image shows 3 characters with their hands raised, shouting, Bold text says Unity is Strength, twitter @uwofa1, website

Take Action

We now have a few Employer-proposed dates for bargaining, in part due to your raised voices last week, and you can continue to make a difference. The negotiating team will keep working hard on your behalf to make the most of the limited time offered, but the more time we can get at the table, the sooner we can come to an agreement. Members are encouraged to show support for the negotiating team in the following ways:

  • Send an Email to President Shepard and Provost Strzelczyk , and please CC – see template below
  • Send a Letter to President Shepard and Provost Strzelczyk via campus mail, and please CC UWOFA – see template below
  • Post about why Collective Bargaining matters to you on social media – tag the university and uwofa in your posts: Twitter: @westernu @westernuProvost @uwofa1; Facebook: @UWOFA, @Western University; Instagram: @uwofaco, @westernuniversity (see Bulletin #2 for templates)

Sample Letter/Email Template

SUBJECT: Timeline to the Bargaining Table

June 16, 2022

Dear President Shepard and Provost Strzelczyk:

I write to you in support of the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association as their representatives work to begin negotiations for a new faculty Collective Agreement.

The current agreement expires on June 30, 2022, which is fast approaching. I am disappointed to learn that the Employer is proposing that bargaining not begin until July 14th, despite having had over two months to get the process started and a range of earlier dates suggested by the UWOFA negotiating team. As the mandated summer break takes place immediately after the half days proposed in mid-July, bargaining will then be delayed again until nearly the end of August.

As a stakeholder in the university, I demand the Employer prioritise these negotiations and work with UWOFA to achieve a fair agreement without delay. After two years of a pandemic, many UWOFA members feel overworked and overlooked.

Are these delays how the Employer expresses its thanks to faculty for their dedication to quality education?

Faculty Bargaining Bulletin Vol. 8, No. 2

UWOFA has been working hard to get to the table and begin negotiations for a new faculty collective agreement. The current agreement expires on June 30th, 2022, which is coming up very soon.

Updates from the Collective Bargaining Committee and Negotiating Team

Here is an overview of what we have been up to over the last two months.

  • April 7: UWOFA gives official Notice to Bargain, inviting the Employer to meet within two weeks to discuss planning and scheduling of negotiations
  • April 22: a meeting of the parties takes place, to discuss planning of bargaining, side tables*, and scheduling
  • May 9: UWOFA emails the Office of Faculty Relations asking that process of scheduling bargaining and side tables (Bill 124**, Indigenous Faculty Members, Annual Performance Evaluation, Merger of Bargaining Units) be initiated before the end of that week
  • May 12: the Employer responds, indicating they are happy to begin scheduling and confirms agreement on proposed side tables
  • May 18: the Employer confirms scheduling of housekeeping meetings for May 20 and June 3
  • May 25: In the absence of Employer initiative on scheduling of other side tables and bargaining meetings, UWOFA sends the Employer a list of 29 proposed half days for bargaining during the period from June 13 to July 15, as well as side tables, starting with Bill 124, for the period from June 2 to June 10
  • May 20 and June 3: Parties meet to work on collective agreement “housekeeping”
  • June 3: UWOFA asks the Employer (during housekeeping meeting) what date they anticipate being ready to start bargaining. There is no direct reply, beyond that staff are working on scheduling and that they are not yet ready to have the Bill 124 side table discussion
  • June 8: Still no reply from Employer to UWOFA proposal for bargaining and side table meeting dates; UWOFA prepares to update membership on (lack of) progress to date, serves the Employer with notice of this plan
  • June 10: Despite UWOFA’s efforts and the Employer’s expressions of intention to schedule bargaining meetings, no meetings have yet been scheduled at the time this Bargaining Bulletin goes to press


*Side tables are off the record discussions on topics of mutual interest

**Bill 124 is the provincial government legislation (introduced in 2019) which limits public sector salary increases to 1%. As we all know, this amounts to an imposed ongoing salary reduction in light of rising inflation.

Crowd of diverse faculty members chanting, “United we bargain, divided we beg,“ Bullhorn image saying “Act Now”; person shouting; text in image: ; Twitter address @uwofa1

We call on members to come together now and show the Employer that your patience is not infinite.

Here is what you can do to help encourage the Employer to come to the table:

Take to Twitter and tweet about why collective bargaining matters to you. Feel free to use one of the statements below or craft your own. Don’t forget to tag @uwofa1, @westernu, @westernuProvost – this will ensure that the Employer sees your message, while also allowing us to amplify your voice.

  • Collective Bargaining matters for Quality Education @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1
  • Collective Bargaining matters for Health and Wellbeing @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1
  • Collective Bargaining matters for Fair and Equitable Workloads @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1
  • Collective Bargaining matters for Protecting Collegial Governance and Due Process @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1
  • Collective Bargaining matters for Job Security for Contract Faculty @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1
  • Collective Bargaining matters for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization @WesternU in #LdnOnt @uwofa1

Join UWOFA in remembering Our London Family

It has been one year since the attack that took the lives of Salman Afzaal, Madiha Salman, Talat Afzaal, and Yumna Afzaal.

The Muslim family was killed in a horrifying act of violence fuelled by racism, misogyny, and Islamophobia.

UWOFA stands in solidarity with members of the community along with the City of London in honouring the family with several community events.

Follow the link below for a list of events across London:

Western Students holding a banner saying "Take Initiative. End Islamophobia. #OurLondonFamily""

There are campus and community resources here to support you in this heavy and challenging time.

Virtual counselling during the vigil
June 6, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., CMHA will be providing support. Students can call Reach Out at 519-433-2023.

Priority mental health appointments
Priority mental health counselling appointments are available June 6-10 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. for Western students. Appointments can be booked same-day or in advance by calling 519-661-3030 and requesting to be booked for that reason.

Community of care for #OurLondonFamily
On June 7, from 4-6 p.m., in Thames Hall, there is an in-person gathering for Muslim and/or Pakistani identifying students, co-facilitated by Student Experience staff who identify as Muslim. Registration is not required, drop-ins welcome.

Community counselling & support
Khalil Center: helpline and therapy services, 1-855-543-5752 or
Naseeha Mental Health Helpline: peer support for Muslim youth, 1-866-627-3342 or
Nisa Helpline: free counselling to Muslim women in North America, 1-888-315-6472 or
Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration:

Crisis supports
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can:
Contact Reach Out at 1-866-933-2023
Contact Good2Talk by calling 1-866-925-5454 or texting “GOOD2TALKON” to 686868
Go to a nearby hospital emergency room
Call 911

Supports for Western employees
Employee Well-being (Human Resources), and the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion have coordinated counsellor-support sessions for Western employees who wish to discuss their experiences and emotions regarding anti-Muslim racism. Visit

UWOFA Contract Faculty Research and Professional Development Fund

Contract faculty members are invited to apply for UWOFA’s Contract Faculty Research and Professional Development Fund.

The purpose of this funding is to support the participation of UWOFA Contract Faculty Members in professional development activities, academic conferences and research.

The total amount to be distributed is $10,000. UWOFA and Research Western will each provide $5,000.

Deadline for submission is Monday, June 6, 2022 at 4:00pm.

Please reach out to for any questions or concerns.

Faculty Bargaining Bulletin – Vol. 8, No. 1

UWOFA has been working for several months on preparations to negotiate a new faculty collective agreement. The current agreement expires on June 30th, 2022.

UWOFA’s role at the bargaining table is to represent the interests of our membership and we will continue to consult you in various ways in the coming months as we prepare to negotiate.


We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the short survey on bargaining priorities we asked members to complete by April 06, 2022. The results of that survey helped inform the early stages of our goal development by letting us know what issues were important to you.


The CBC, which includes all members of the Negotiating Committee plus five additional members, is responsible for developing bargaining goals in consultation with the membership, drafting proposed contract language, supporting the Negotiating Committee during bargaining and, after an agreement is reached, final drafting and checking of contract language.

Committee Members of both the 2022 Negotiating Committee and the CBC:

·  Jeff Tennant – Chief Negotiator (French Studies)

·  Johanna Weststar – Deputy Chief Negotiator (DAN Management & Organizational Studies)

·  Cindy Cossar-Jones (UWOFA Professional Officer)

·  Kristin Hoffmann (Western Libraries)

·  Jamie Johnston (English and Writing Studies)

·  Steve Lupker (Psychology)

·  Nina Zitani (Biology)

·  Warren Steele (Information & Media Studies)

·  Nigmendra Narain (Political Science)

Additional committee members of the CBC:

·  Steve Laviolette (Anatomy & Cell Biology)

·  Laura Stephenson (Political Science)

·  Spy Dénommé-Welch (Education)

·  Aleksandra Zecevic (Health Studies)

UWOFA bargaining, text writing Together Everyone Achieves More, image of a group of people standing shoulder to shoulder

UWOFA advocates for faculty autonomy and PPE in return to campus plans

UWOFA Members,

On Friday, Jan. 14 the employer sent a notice about its return to campus plan.

UWOFA acknowledges the stress and hard work of all our members and continues to advocate strongly on your behalf.

Many of you have expressed concern about a safe return to campus and about the disruption to pedagogy and additional workload involved in switching back to in-person instruction. Accordingly, UWOFA continues to argue that course instructors should be involved in decisions about the timing of their return to in-person instruction, and that those decisions should be based on a combination of pedagogical considerations, students’ learning outcomes, and personal circumstances. UWOFA is also strenuously advocating for proper Personal Protective Equipment, including an adequate supply of N95 respirators, for our members and all members of the Western community who must be on campus.

Rest assured, we will continue to vigorously advocate for the rights of our members to healthy and safe working conditions.

Please stay tuned for more information in the days and weeks ahead.

In solidarity,

Nigmendra Narain
UWOFA President

Bargaining Bulletins- Faculty

Tentative agreement ratified – Vol. 7 No. 16

November 26, 2018

The UWOFA membership has voted to ratify the tentative faculty collective agreement reached with the university administration. Members of the faculty bargaining unit voted 90 per cent in favour of the deal in a vote that closed Friday, November 23.


Ratification vote scheduled – Vol. 7 No. 15

November 16, 2018

The UWOFA Board of Directors has recommended that the tentative faculty collective agreement reached with the administration on Friday November 9 be brought to the membership for ratification.

Tentative Agreement Reached

November 9, 2018

The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) is pleased to announce that a tentative faculty collective agreement has been reached with the university administration.

November 7 Bargaining Update – Vol. 7 No. 14

November 7, 2018

Yesterday, at this late stage in bargaining, the employer asked your negotiating team for concessions in our existing health benefits package – concessions that had not been proposed in their previous offers at the table.

It’s Time to Reinvest in Western’s Core Mission: A Bargaining Issues Update – Vol. 7 No. 8

November 6, 2018

Western’s financial position is extremely strong, and yet the Board of Governors and administration consistently choose not to reinvest in the core mission of quality education, teaching and research. As our examination of the university’s budget reveals, the university has accumulated close to $700 million in surplus over the past 9 years. It recently completed a fund-raising campaign that raised over $800 million. Student tuition has been rising steadily over the past 5 years. In February of 2018, Standard and Poor’s affirmed Western’s AA credit rating, noting the university’s “high levels of cash and available financial resources.” According to the rating agency, Western’s “financial assets are sufficient such that it would likely not default on its obligations under a provincial stress scenario in which all government funding was temporarily disrupted”.

Strike FAQ for students

November 2, 2018

No one wants a strike at Western. UWOFA is working as hard as we can to avoid one. We know talk of a strike causes students a lot of anxiety, so we’ve prepared a set of answers to frequently asked questions here.

UWOFA heads back to the bargaining table in advance of strike deadline – Vol. 7 No. 13

October 29, 2018

A “No Board” Report has been filed with the Ontario Ministry of Labour by provincially appointed conciliator Greg Long. The UWOFA faculty bargaining unit will be in a legal strike position on Friday November 9 at 12:01 a.m., and UWOFA’s Executive Committee has established this date as our firm strike deadline.

Strike FAQ for members

October 28, 2018

These guidelines represent policy adopted by the UWOFA Board of Directors; they represent what your Board is expecting of all Bargaining Unit members. The decision to honour or break a strike is the individual’s own. This is something that neither the Association nor the Administration can decide for you.

Conciliation to Begin Thursday in Faculty Contract Negotiations- Vol.7 No. 11

October 9, 2018

A provincially appointed conciliator, Greg Long, will join your negotiating team and the employer at the bargaining table beginning this Thursday, October 11. Additional conciliation dates have been scheduled for October 12 and 15.

Faculty Mandate 94% in Favour of Strike Mandate- Vol.7 No.10

September 27, 2018

The UWOFA membership has voted 94 per cent in favour of strike action to strengthen bargaining goals during faculty negotiations. Thank you for your overwhelming support. Your strong expression of support for your negotiating team will empower them to work toward the best contract possible as we enter conciliation in October.

UWOFA Strike Vote: Frequently Asked Questions – Vol. 7 No. 9

September 19, 2018

Last week, UWOFA announced that a strike vote will be held for members of the faculty Bargaining Unit. Please see below for some frequently asked questions about the strike vote process. For more details about the process and, most importantly, the issues that remain on the table, please plan to attend a Bargaining Unit meeting on Thursday, September 20 at 9:30 a.m. in the Law Building, Room 52.

UWOFA and the Employer Jointly File For Conciliation – Vol. 7 No. 6

September 6, 2018

As you know, UWOFA and the employer jointly filed a request to appoint a conciliation officer with the Ministry of Labour on Friday, August 30 in an attempt to bridge remaining differences at the table in negotiations for a new collective agreement for the faculty bargaining unit.

Negotiations Pause for Summer Break- Vol.7, No. 5

July 20, 2018

Negotiations with the administration to reach a new faculty collective agreement have continued to move forward since we last updated you in June.

Discontinuing the Inappropriate Use of Student Questionnaires on Courses and Teaching- Vol.7, No.4

July 11, 2018

Discontinuing the use of student questionnaires on courses and teaching for personnel decisions such as promotion, tenure, annual review and hiring is one of UWOFA’s goals during this round of faculty collective bargaining.

Faculty Collective Bargaining Begins- Vol.7, No. 3

June 8, 2018

Faculty collective bargaining began on Wednesday, June 6, with your UWOFA negotiating committee meeting with the Administration’s representatives for several hours to exchange initial proposals.

What to Expect During Collective Bargaining- Vol.7, No.2

June 1, 2018

In anticipation of faculty bargaining beginning on June 6, the following is a collective bargaining primer for UWOFA members.

Your Collective Bargaining Roundup – Vol. 7, No. 1

January 16, 2018

UWOFA has been working for several months on preparations to negotiate a new faculty collective agreement. The current agreement expires on June 30, 2018.

Faculty Vote 94% in Favour of Strike Mandate – Vol. 7 No. 10

September 27, 2018

The UWOFA membership has voted 94 per cent in favour of strike action to strengthen bargaining goals during faculty negotiations. Thank you for your overwhelming support. Your strong expression of support for your negotiating team will empower them to work toward the best contract possible as we enter conciliation in October.

UWOFA accepting nominations for Tom Murphy Memorial Award

UWOFA is accepting nominations for the Tom Murphy Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to UWOFA.

This award was established in honour of the late Tom Murphy. Tom was a long-standing contract faculty member in the Department of Sociology who was involved in UWOFA since certification in 1998, serving as a director for four terms, as a member of the executive committee, and as a member of the Policy and Governance Committee. Tom also served UWOFA in other ways, notably as UWOFA’s representative on the Parking Appeals Committee. Perhaps most importantly, Tom was a long-standing member and co-chair of the Committee for Contract Faculty. Tom died on July 18, 2015. This award was established by UWOFA as a lasting tribute to his accomplishments and dedication to UWOFA.All contract faculty members of UWOFA are eligible for this award. Contract faculty includes full-time members with a limited-term appointment, and part-time members with a limited-duties appointment, standing appointment or preferred status.All members of UWOFA are eligible to nominate contract faculty members for this award. Members must use this form for their nominations.Recipients will be selected by the executive committee based on outstanding contributions to UWOFA either through a single project or activity or the accumulation of efforts over a longer period of time. Recipients may choose to receive the award of $1,000 in the form of a cash or a fund that can be used to advance the academic career of the recipient by supporting research, travel, equipment or professional development.The deadline for nominations has been extended to March 4, 2022. Questions should be directed to Jane Laforge at

Upcoming deadline for librarians, archivists to submit request for promotion and continuing appointment extension

Academic librarians and archivists are reminded that the deadline for submitting a request for an extension to their promotion and continuing appointment clocks is December 31, 2021.

UWOFA and the employer have recognized that COVID-19 may have an adverse effect on members’ performance. This impact may be especially challenging to librarians and archivists on a probationary appointment. As a result, an agreement was reached last year to grant all probationary members, upon request, one one-year extension to their promotion and continuing appointment clocks. Second requests for an extension will be considered on an exceptional basis only. All requests should be directed in writing to Catherine Steeves, vice-provost and chief librarian.

If, in the future, members who have received an extension no longer feel they need the extra time to meet the criteria for promotion or continuing appointment, the Collective Agreement has language (Clause 8 of the Promotion and Continuing Appointment article) governing early submission to the P/CA process.

Deadline for librarians’ and archivists’ Annual Report submission extended

On October 29, UWOFA and the Office for Faculty Relations held training for the UWOFA-LA Annual Report and Review evaluators (i.e., supervisors, Western Libraries Senior Leadership Team, and the Dean of FIMS) as recommended by the Joint Working Group on ARR (2021). During this session, the attendees discussed an extension of the November 15, 2021, deadline for Members’ ARR Submissions to December 3, 2021, to permit supervisors greater time to meet with Members who report to them and formulate their comments based on insights gained in the training session. Both the Employer and UWOFA have approved this proposed change of date.

Therefore, the deadline for Members to send their ARR submissions to the Chief Librarian or Dean or designate, with copy to the immediate supervisor, is now Friday, December 3, 2021 (ARR article, 10). We encourage all Members to work with their supervisors to meet this new deadline. Earlier submissions are always welcome!

As a result of this agreement (and acknowledging the winter holiday closure), the new date for the Chief Librarian or Dean or designate to sign the final written Annual Review Reports and send them to Members will be Friday, January 14, 2022 (ARR article, 11.2). Furthermore, the Chief Librarian, Dean or designate will report to the Members on the distribution of the performance categorizations for all Members (e.g., the number of Members assigned each performance categorization as outlined in Clause 11 for each of Professional Practice, Academic Activity and Service), by January 31, 2022 (ARR article, 11.3).