Our new collective agreement contains some fundamental changes to the way performance evaluations will be administered. To support members with these changes, UWOFA has compiled an outline of changes which we share below. We are also working to orient faculty representatives who are on-the-ground resources for members and as always, our Member Services Officer is available to respond to questions and assist as needed. You can reach them at: uwofamso@uwo.ca
New Process
- The key change is that Annual Performance Evaluation is now called Performance Evaluation and Members are no longer required to undergo assessment annually (except in circumstances described below).
- Annual Performance Evaluation for Full-Time Members has changed to Performance Evaluation where each Full-Time Member is evaluated once in a three-year cycle. The initial three-year Performance Evaluation cycle will run from the 2023-24 Academic Year to the 2025-26 Academic Year.
- Annual Performance Evaluation for Part-Time Members has changed to Performance Evaluation and is now optional. By October 1st every year, Part-Time Members shall indicate to their Chair, Director or Dean if they wish to participate during that year.
- The reporting period for each Member’s Performance Evaluation is still the preceding three Academic Years.
- Performance-Linked Career Progress (merit pay) will still be distributed every year, but the Basic Salary Points will be the same for each year in the three-year period between Performance Evaluations.
- Members will still determine whether evaluations will be conducted by a Committee, or by the Chair, Director or Dean, but this decision will be made once per three-year cycle and remain in effect throughout. Performance Evaluation Committees will therefore be constituted for a three-year term. This determination will now be made by May 31st in the final year of a three-year cycle for the next three-year cycle.
- Even if it is determined that the Performance Evaluation is not done by Committee, Units must still elect a Performance Evaluation Committee for each three-year cycle because this Committee must establish the procedures and criteria to be used in the next cycle by December 1 of the final year of the current three-year cycle.
- Units may choose to elect the Performance Evaluation Committee at the same time as they determine who will carry out the evaluations for the next cycle (i.e., May 31st in the final year of a three-year cycle) or at a time thereafter, but which leaves sufficient time to meet the deadline of reviewing the criteria by December 1 of the final year of the cycle.
- In Units where Members with Limited Duties or Standing Appointment may be evaluated, the Committee should include a Part-Time Member with Standing Appointment, who will serve a one-year term, renewable twice.
- If a Member’s performance is categorized as below acceptable in any of the three areas of Academic Responsibilities, the Member is required to have their performance evaluated annually until they receive an assessment of acceptable or higher in all three areas.
Transition Provisions for Determining Full-Time Members’ Evaluation Year in the Initial Three-Year Cycle
- By June 30th, 2023, all Full-Time Members shall indicate to their Chair, Director or Dean the order of preference for the year in which their performance is to be assessed (i.e., first choice: 2024-25; second choice: 2025-26; third choice: 2023-24). In determining preferences, Members should take their last Evaluation scores into account – those with lower scores may opt to go forward as soon as possible, while those with higher scores may prefer to wait. Performance in areas of Academic Responsibility is another consideration – those with a recent significant output, achievement or effort in Teaching, Research or Service might like to have it evaluated sooner.
- The Chair, Director, or Dean shall review Member preferences and, where possible, allocate Members to their preferred year. If this allocation results in unequal distributions, the Chair, Director, or Dean shall make efforts through consultation with Members to achieve an approximately equal distribution each year. The Chair, Director, or Dean can make a final allocation if consultations are unsuccessful. This process must be completed by September 1, 2023.
- For this initial three-year cycle, Full-Time Members can elect to be evaluated more than once. They shall communicate their election to participate to their Chair, Director, or Dean in writing by October 1st of the applicable evaluation year. This election can be withdrawn in writing up to November 15th of the applicable year.
Transition Provisions for Merit Pay Calculations
- For Members who will not be required to participate in Performance Evaluation until the second or third year of the three-year cycle, the Basic Salary Points for Performance-Linked Career Progress (merit pay) will be based on the 2022-23 Performance Evaluation or the average of the previous three years’ assessments, whichever is greater.
Transition Provisions for Committees to Revise Performance Evaluation Criteria Documents
- If a Unit has not already done so, it must elect a Performance Evaluation Committee to carry out the work of revising the Performance Evaluation Criteria Documents.
- By May 31st, 2023 the Committee, together with the Dean or designated Associate Dean shall identify in writing the procedures and criteria for the assessment of performance of Full- and Part-Time Members in the Unit to occur during the three-year Performance Evaluation cycle.
- These procedures and criteria shall be ratified by June 30th, 2023 according to clause 5 and 5.1 of the Performance Evaluation article.
As our outline demonstrates, the changes are substantial. However our office and leadership team are here to help guide you through. Just call on us as needed.