UWOFA Reaffirms Opposition to Navitas Partnership Proposal
February 19, 2025
November 15th, 2021
On October 29, UWOFA and the Office for Faculty Relations held training for the UWOFA-LA Annual Report and Review evaluators (i.e., supervisors, Western Libraries Senior Leadership Team, and the Dean of FIMS) as recommended by the Joint Working Group on ARR (2021). During this session, the attendees discussed an extension of the November 15, 2021, deadline for Members’ ARR Submissions to December 3, 2021, to permit supervisors greater time to meet with Members who report to them and formulate their comments based on insights gained in the training session. Both the Employer and UWOFA have approved this proposed change of date.
Therefore, the deadline for Members to send their ARR submissions to the Chief Librarian or Dean or designate, with copy to the immediate supervisor, is now Friday, December 3, 2021 (ARR article, 10). We encourage all Members to work with their supervisors to meet this new deadline. Earlier submissions are always welcome!
As a result of this agreement (and acknowledging the winter holiday closure), the new date for the Chief Librarian or Dean or designate to sign the final written Annual Review Reports and send them to Members will be Friday, January 14, 2022 (ARR article, 11.2). Furthermore, the Chief Librarian, Dean or designate will report to the Members on the distribution of the performance categorizations for all Members (e.g., the number of Members assigned each performance categorization as outlined in Clause 11 for each of Professional Practice, Academic Activity and Service), by January 31, 2022 (ARR article, 11.3).