UWOFA Reaffirms Opposition to Navitas Partnership Proposal
February 19, 2025
Western’s Operating Engineers are on strike as of October 12 2023. Their labour is essential to the safe running of Heating, Ventilation and AC systems and utilities across the university.
They are fighting for fair compensation amidst staffing shortages which threaten to jeopardise their capacity to do their jobs. Competitive wage rates would help to attract and retain qualified engineers, but the university is unwilling to offer a fair market adjustment, despite the union opting not to pursue other monetary gains in this round of bargaining, such as increases in benefits, premiums or pension.
Please come out to support these workers by picketing in solidarity when you are able – before work, afterwards or during a break in your work-day.
UWOFA stands in solidarity with the Operating Engineers at Western. Their fight for fair compensation and adequate staffing is also our fight.
Picketing will start at 7am on October 12. The London Transit Commission will reroute all 11 bus routes that run through campus to avoid crossing picket lines. Buses will not come to stops on Western’s campus during a strike.