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Why Attend the Labour Day Picnic?

August 22nd, 2024


Author: David Heap

More than just the last long weekend of the summer, the first Monday of September marks the Labour Day holiday across North America. Since the late 1800s, unions in Canada have been rallying on this date to celebrate their collective achievements and show their unity in working class struggles. In some communities the day is marked by a parade with union banners and marching bands.  In London, the London and DIstrict Labour Council holds a picnic with live music, a free BBQ and informative tabling displays from area unions and allied organizations. 

For many years, members of the UWO Faculty Association have attended the LDLC picnic, as volunteers and simply to enjoy the gathering. 

A long-time UWOFA Member and Chief Negotiator for several rounds of collective bargaining, Jeff Tennant says that he attends Labour Day events to celebrate what the labour movement has built over the years and to connect with and build solidarity with other unions. He adds: “The OCUFA* Collective Bargaining Committee’s ‘Countdown to Strong’ model of campaign-based bargaining attaches a high priority to building strong relationships of solidarity with other local unions on and off campus.” UWOFA’s Secretary, librarian Kristin Hoffman, says “UWOFA Members attend the Labour Day picnic because of the connection it gives us to the broader London community, and for those of us who volunteer and help out at the food tent, it’s a very practical and tangible way to contribute to the community.”

Though neither of UWOFA’s bargaining units is currently negotiating a collective agreement, the ongoing work of forming and nurturing relationships with other unions and their supporters is part of what we do as a Union. Meeting a cross-section of working people’s organizations helps us understand that while our struggles are specific to our workplace, they are also connected to what other unions are addressing in their workplaces.

For those faculty, librarians and archivists who are around London on the last weekend before fall term begins, this is a great opportunity to connect with the broader labour movement in an informal setting. If you are interested in joining other UWOFA Members who will be volunteering at the Labour Day picnic, please let us know by filling out the Google Form here:

*Ontario Confederation of Faculty Associations